CRYPTO-BASED HOST IDENTIFIERS Abstract Recently there have been many discussions on separating the locator and identifier functions of IP addresses in order to facilitate scalable multihoming, mobility and address stability. This document describes a way to incorporate a 64 bit identifier in IPv6 addresses without getting in the way of regular IPv6 operation, and the related mechanisms to verify the authenticity of the identifier used by a correspondent. The intent is to foster further discussion within the multi6 design team and elswere, not to provide a complete specification. [Note that this document hasn't been submitted as a draft yet.] 1. Introduction In many types of interactions across the network it is important to know the identity of the correspondent. This is especially true in multihoming and mobility, where a correspondent may change its address during a session. In [MIPv6] and [NOID] it has been shown to be possible to solve mobility and multihoming without introducing a long-lived host or stack name identifier. However, this doesn't mean that having such an identifier would be without benefits. This document explores the possibility of adding a means to identify a host independent of the full IPv6 address used by the host and independent of a specific multihoming or mobility solution. This document reflects the author's take on current discussions within the design team but isn't a design team product. The design team members are, in reverse alphabetical order: Pekka Savola, Erik Nordmark, Tony Li, Mike O'Dell, Brian Carpenter and Iljitsch van Beijnum. 2. Overview There are two types of crypto-based host identifiers 64 bit and 80 bit. The 64 bit type consists of 4 control bits, 48 site key bits and a 12 bit host number: 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 63 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | site |C | site (continued) | host | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ The 64 bit host identifiers are appropriate in cases where the subnet bits (bits 48 - 63 in the IPv6 address) are subject to change, for instance in a host multihoming or mobility situation. When the subnet bits are fixed, which is likely to be the case with site multihoming or when no address changes are expected, 80 bit host identifiers that include the subnet bits are more appropriate, as these allow significantly more hosts to be grouped together in a site. The 80 bit host identifier consists of 4 control bits, 44 site key bits, a 16 bit host number and a 16 bit subnet number: 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 79 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | subnet | site |C | site (continued) | host | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ The control bits are: - reserved - 80 bit identifier (1) or 64 bit identifier (0) - u/l and g bits as outlined below 3. EUI-64 Compatibility Generally, a host will create IPv6 addresses for interfaces based on the interface's EUI-64 as outlined in [RFC 2462]. In order to avoid overlap from addresses generated by [RFC 3041] and from regular EUI-64 interface identifiers, for crypto-based host identifiers the universal/global bit is set to "universal" and the group bit is set to indicate a group (multicast) address. Note that the resulting EUI-64 value is only valid for the purposes of generating IPv6 addresses in accordance with [RFC 2462]. Under no circumstances may such a value be assigned to an interface for use as a link address. 4. The Site Identifier The site identifier is created by generating a key pair using a public key crypto algorithm (to be decided). Then the SHA-1 algorithm is used to calculate a hash over the public key. If 80 bit host identifiers are to be used, the site identifier consists of the first 44 bits of the SHA-1 hash. If 64 bit host identifiers are to be used, the site identifier consists of the last 48 bits of the SHA-1 hash. (The terms "site identifier" and "site key bits" are used interchangeably.) All hosts that hold a host identifier must have a set of public key cryptographic keys. The host's public key is signed using the site secret key. Site identifiers, along with the full self-signed public key and other pertinent information, are registered publicly to avoid and resolve site identifier collisions. When a newly generated site identifier collides with an existing one, the new key pair is discarded and a new one is generated. This is the only required use of a public registry. All other use of such a registry is optional. Since it is computationally expensive to generate working keys that match a specific site identifier, possession of the secret key provides a "proof of ownership" of a site identifier that is good enough to fend off denial of service attacks and to provide authentication with a strength level somewhere between a simple encrypted password and full-out IPsec. An important feature is that the site identifier registry doesn't require rooted authority: any mechanism that makes a full list of site identifiers and public keys along with serial numbers available to anyone who wants to do a lookup within a reasonable timeframe after new identifiers have been generated is sufficient. A small number of repositories that accept new site identifiers and accompanying material after checking the signature would work well. Each repository could work independently but they could exchange new site identifiers for the sake of completeness. Repositories can then make their contents available through mirroring and direct querying mechanisms. A good way to allow direct queries to the site identifier database would be by publishing a copy of an up to date repository in the DNS. A fully populated 44 or 48 bit range of values is too large to store in the DNS without additional hierarchical structure. However, these ranges will never be fully populated, both because such a large number of site identifiers isn't necessary and because at some point, the chance of successive collisions becomes too large to be able to generate a new site identifier efficiently. A target for optimum performance would be a population somewhere between one in a million (approximately 17 million and 260 million site identifiers respectively) and one in a thousand (17 / 260 billion site identifiers). Current practice shows that the DNS can handle flat spaces with up to several tens of millions entries, so a modest growth rate (well below Moore's Law) maxing out at around one to ten billion sites in 2050 shouldn't be a problem. 5. The Challenge/Response Mechanism When a host wants to authenticate a correspondent using a crypto-based host identifiers, it issues a challenge to the correspondent. The layout of the challenge and the way it is transmitted to the correspondent is to be decided later. The challenge consists of a source correlator and a cookie or nonce that may either be sent in the clear, or be encrypted using the host's secret key. In either case the host knows that it is dealing with a "live" correspondent rather than some host spewing out packets without looking at the return traffic. If the challenge was encrypted, the correspondent was also forced to expend a significant amount of CPU cycles. An encrypted challenge always contains the data found in an unsolicited response, in case the correspondent is not yet in the possession of the public key. Responses consist of the correlator and cookie values from the challenge (or data determined by the host creating the response if the response is unsolicited) and the host public key, the site public key, the host number, a site serial number and the signature over the host key and site serial number, and last but not least, a signature over the entire response packet. Both challenges and responses allow for additional data. The additional data in a challenge is copied into the additional data in the response and is included in the signature calculation. This can be used (for instance) to copy back a TCP SYN to the host initiating a new TCP session. This allows the receiving host to respond with a challenge without setting up any state yet. Only when a response for the challenge comes back and after validating this response, the receiving host proceeds to process the TCP SYN. Unsolicited responses may be silently dropped at any time. When checking a response, a host may optionally take advantage of information published in the DNS or through other means. This allows the host to detect whether it's dealing with the "real" holder of a site locator rather than an impostor that stumbled on a key pair that maps to an existing site identifier. It also allows for retiring a compromised host key: if the published site serial number is higher than that presented by the correspondent, the host key is invalid. 6. Turning the Site Identifier into an Address Range In certain types of multihoming solutions, such as [ODELL96], the locator and identifier functions of the IP address are separated. In these cases, the upper layer protocols such as TCP and UDP only see the identifier. In [ODELL96] the identifier consists of the lower 64 bits of the IPv6 address, which is compatible with what is proposed here. However, intra-site connectivity using just the lower 64 bits of the IPv6 address is problematic. To avoid this problem, and in order to provide a range of stable addresses a site may use regardless of its connectivity to the Internet, the site identifier may be transformed into a site prefix. The procedure for transforming a 80 bit host identifier into a site prefix is to take the site identifier bits and concatenate those to a 4 bit prefix assigned by IANA. The resulting 48 bit value is the provider independent site prefix. This prefix is combined with a 80 bit host identifier to form a complete IPv6 address. Example of how a 80 bit host identifier is turned into a 48 bit site prefix: 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 79 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | subnet | site |C | site (continued) | host | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ \ \ | | \ \| | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |IA| s i t e i d e n t i f i e r | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 0 8 16 24 32 40 47 (IA = 4 bit prefix assigned by IANA) A 64 bit host identifier is turned into a site prefix by concatenating the site bits with a 12 bit prefix assigned by IANA. This results in a 60 bit provider independent prefix. To avoid being limited to a single subnet, the top 4 bits of the host number are copied to bits 60 - 63 in the IPv6 address. The full 64 bit host identifier is present in the lower 64 bits to arrive at a full IPv6 address. This allows for 16 subnets with 256 possible hosts each. Example of how a 64 bit host identifier is turned into a 60 bit site prefix / 64 bit subnet prefix: 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 63 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | site |C | site (continued) | host | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ \ \ | | \ \| | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | IANA | s i t e i d e n t i f i e r |H | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 63 (IANA = 12 bit prefix assigned by IANA) (H = top 4 bits of the host number) Use of an EUI-64 that isn't a host identifier as outlined in this document in combination with one of the above provider independent prefixes is undefined and not recommended. 7. Operation In the following examples host A in site X wants to communicate with host B in site Y. 7.1 Address Authentication - A sends a TCP SYN to B - B sends a challenge to A, which includes an encrypted cookie, an unsolicited response and the TCP SYN packet as additional data - B doesn't store any state yet to avoid resource exhaustion attacks - A receives the challenge, finds the unsolicited response and performs the necessary checks on it: * is the signature over the host key (using the site key) valid? * does the site public key produce a hash that is equivalent to the site identifier? * does the host number equal that in the host identifier? * is the signature over the unsolicited response (using the host key) valid? - After having thus authenticated B's use of its host identifier A uses B's host public key to decrypt the cookie - A returns a response for the challenge with the cookie in the clear, along with the additional data - B receives the response and continues to check it. In addition to the checks done by A, B also looks up B's site identifier in the DNS to find the full site public key and the current serial number. * B checks whether the B's site public key in the response is equal to the one in the DNS * B checks whether the serial number in the signature over B's host key isn't smaller than the serial number in the DNS - subsequent upper layer sessions between the same hosts reuse the previously created state 7.2 Identifierless Multihoming or Mobility - A and B communicate - B receives a packet from an unknown address, however the host identifier is A's - B sends a challenge for A's host identifier to the new address - B receives a response * if the response checks out, B creates mapping state that maps incoming packets from the previously unknown address to the address that A used earlier before the packet is handed off to higher layers * if the response doesn't check out, B continues to communicate with A over the known address and an alarm is raised Note that in this case there is no challenge/response exchange when the initial communication is started, but only after there is a change of IP address. 8. IANA Considerations IANA is requested to allocate a /4 and a /12 for crypto-based site identifier derived provider independent address ranges. 9. Security Considerations Since the length of the hash over the public key is only 44 or 48 bits, even though finding a key for a known hash is extremely difficult, there is a significant chance of accidental collisions. As such, this authentication scheme on its own isn't secure enough for use with very sensitive applications. 10. Author's Address Iljitsch van Beijnum Karel Roosstraat 95 2571 BG The Hague Netherlands Phone: +31-70-3103790 Email: 11. References [RFC 2462] S. Thomson and T. Narten, "IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration", December 1998 [RFC 3041] T. Narten and R. Draves, "Privacy Extensions for Stateless Address Autoconfiguration in IPv6", Januari 2001 [MIPv6] "Mobility Support in IPv6", draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-24.txt, work in progress [NOID] E. Nordmark and T. Li, "Multihoming without IP Identifiers", draft-nordmark-multi6-noid-00.txt, work in progress, October 2003 [M6SEC] Nordmark, E., and T. Li, "Threats relating to IPv6 multihoming solutions", draft-nordmark-multi6-threats-00.txt, work in progress, October 2003. [ODELL96] O'Dell M., "8+8 - An Alternate Addressing Architecture for IPv6", draft-odell-8+8-00.txt, work in progress, October 1996